1. Low-calorie diet: In the weeks/days before your surgery, try to eat no more than 1200 calories per day unless advised otherwise by your surgeon.
    • Losing weight prior to weight loss surgery will help you to prepare physically and mentally for the dietary changes.
  2. Discuss your prescription medications (type and size of pills) with you Primary Care Physician and pharmacist.
    • Some of your medications may need to be changed prior to or after surgery.
  3. No alcohol one day prior to surgery
  4. Follow a Clear Liquid diet 1 day before surgery (“clear” means you can see through it –you can “see through cranberry juice” but not orange juice).
  5. Be sure to have all testing (Chest X-Ray, EKG, lab work) completed before surgery.
  6. Do not wear make-up, lipstick, nail polish, or perfume on the day of surgery.
  7. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery.
    • You may take heart medication or blood pressure medicines the morning of surgery with a small sip of water
    • Do not take diabetes or thyroid medications
    • If you use CPAP or BiPAP, bring the machine the day of surgery
    • If you are on blood thinners –ask your surgeon when to stop them before surgery
  8. Review what types of Vitamins you will need after surgery.
  9. Purchase a Protein Supplement for use after surgery.
  10. Please call the office if you have any questions.

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