Who: Mothers who plan to breastfeed or pump breastmilk. When: During your pregnancy or while you are breastfeeding or pumping for your baby. The group meets monthly. What: A support group for breastfeeding or pumping mothers. Healthy moms and babies, as well as expectant mothers, are welcome to attend meetings. The lactation consultant will see […]
Expectant mothers will be offered guidelines for a successful breastfeeding experience. Topics will include: Advantages of breastfeeding, Nutritional Information, Body changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Recognizing if baby is getting enough milk, Preventing problems and what to do when problems arise, Pumping and storing breast milk This class is held virtually via Zoom.
Proceeds benefit the renovation of the 5th floor Orthopedic Unit. Heritage Valley Sewickley Hospital has been providing service to patients in need of orthopedic joint replacements for over 40 years on its 5th floor Orthopedic Unit. The unit has been recognized for its 5 Star care provided by our high quality Greater Pittsburgh Orthopedic Associate […]
Help through caring. Help through information. Help through sharing. This group is facilitated by a staff member of the hospital’s maternal/child patient center and comprised of parents who have lost their babies, either through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or infant death. Family members and friends are also welcome to attend. By sharing their experience with […]
Who: Mothers who plan to breastfeed or pump breastmilk. When: During your pregnancy or while you are breastfeeding or pumping for your baby. The group meets monthly. What: A support group for breastfeeding or pumping mothers. Healthy moms and babies, as well as expectant mothers, are welcome to attend meetings. The lactation consultant will see […]