Expanding our Mammography Services
Heritage Valley has added Mobile Mammography to its fleet of mobile services! This unit now joins our Mobile CT, MRI and PET Scan trailers and will rotate among our Calcutta, OH; Center Township (Monaca) and Ellwood City Medical Neighborhoods. As a reminder, all Heritage Valley mammography locations offer Self-Requesting Mammograms, which means that a patient may self-schedule a screening mammogram without a written order from a physician.
To schedule a screening mammogram online using Heritage Valley’s My Care Link, simply download the Heritage Valley Health System app (iHVHS/aHVHS); create a My Care Link account; click on the Mammography Exam icon and follow the prompts to schedule an appointment. Please click here to access or create your My Care Link Account.
You may also call 1-866-901-MAMO (6266) to schedule a mammogram. Please note that diagnostic mammogram appointments must be made by dialing this number. For more information, please call the Women’s Health Center at 724-773-4720.