Heritage Valley Health System is committed to providing patients with chronic health conditions the highest quality and most efficient medical care through comprehensive community health programs. These programs ensure that healthcare services are delivered in a timely manner, are accessible, and meet defined quality standards.
Heritage Valley Community Health Services is located at 1 Peartree Way, Beaver, PA 15009.
Services provided include: education, informational mailings, phone calls and home visits, referrals to support services, including registered dietitians, communication and coordination with physicians and other members of the healthcare team, monitoring for early detection of problems.
For information on Heritage Valley Community Health Services, please call 866-328-8389; Option #1 Medical Nutrition Therapy, Option #2 High Risk Pregnancy, Option #4 Diabetes Education.
Disease Management Programs
Pregnancy Health Services
Maternal/child health nurses give support and education to women identified with certain risk-factors during their pregnancy. More than 1011 patients have been helped through this program, which is free of charge.
Risk factors include pre-term labor; alcohol, tobacco or drug use; diabetes; multiple births; teen pregnancy; or high blood pressure.
Trained nurses teach, assess and provide testing for women over the phone or at home if they are on bed rest. This will help to prevent the pre-term delivery of babies, and low birth weight in newborns.
Club 5210
The program is designed to promote a healthier lifestyle by focusing on the importance of physical activity and healthy eating in kids grades 3-5. This program was designed in consultation with pediatricians. Club 5210 is a collaboration among your school district, local YMCA & Heritage Valley Health System.