Physical Therapy
Physical therapists evaluate, treat and educate patients to help prevent or alleviate pain and dysfunction. Physical therapists employ a variety of treatment techniques to increase motion, increase strength, and improve balance and decrease pain. The physical therapists at Heritage Valley Health System work in conjunction with your physician to ensure that your treatment plan is individualized to meet your specific needs, taking into consideration all of your other medical needs. We respect the relationship you develop with your therapist and try to set up your appointments with the same therapist to maintain continuity of care. Another role of the physical therapist is to ensure that your expectations for recovery are considered when establishing your treatment plan. The therapists at Heritage Valley Health System, on your first visit, will listen to your individual needs and help you set realistic targets for recovery and work closely with you to meet those goals.
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapists provide services to people of all ages who because of illness, injury, or developmental or psychological impairment, need specialized assistance in learning skills to enable them to lead independent, productive and satisfying lives. The therapists work in a variety of settings to meet the needs of the clients we serve in the appropriate environment. Through assessment, evaluations, and treatment, occupational therapy practitioners help people in the following ways:
- Learning personal care, such as bathing, dressing, cooking or self-feeding
- Re-educating stroke patients to compensate for losses
- Strengthening upper extremities (shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands) to maintain independence
- Splinting and addressing adaptive equipment needs and wheelchair prescription and positioning problems
- Improving function through cognitive/perceptual activity
- Performing pre-driving safety assessments
- Assessing safety and environment needs in the home
- Conducting on-site job assessments to help injured workers return to work and prevent work-related conditions
- Mastering skills that are needed to meet children’s educational challenges in the school or clinical setting
Speech Therapy
Heritage Valley Health System’s Speech Therapy department offers a wide variety of adult outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services. Speech, communication, cognition, and swallowing greatly impact our quality of life. Our speech pathologists, who are accredited by the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA), are dedicated to helping patients restore abilities in these areas.
Please click on the link below and print out and complete the forms prior to your visit. Please bring the completed forms with you along with your insurance information.