Heritage Valley Health System wants all women to be comfortable with their healthcare. That is why the Women’s Health Centers, located in Center Township and Robinson Township, are designed specifically for women. The Women’s Health Centers are also the hub for our comprehensive BreastCare program.
The Heritage Valley Women’s Health Center provides the following services for women 18 years and older:
- Screening & Diagnostic full-field Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (also known as 3D Mammograms)
- Self-Requesting Screening Mammography (No prescription needed!)
- Non-Surgical Breast Biopsy (Ultrasound, Stereotactic and MRI-Guided)
- Osteoporosis Heel Screening
- Bone Material Density Scan (DEXA)
- Routine Ultrasound Exams
- Routine Diagnostic Radiology Exams
- Phlebotomy (Bloodwork)
- Mobile CT
- Mobile MRI
In addition to the Women’s Health Centers in Center and Robinson Townships, both screening and diagnostic mammography services are offered at:
- Heritage Valley Edgeworth Medical Neighborhood
Additional screening sites, located in our Medical Neighborhoods, include:
- Heritage Valley Calcutta
- Heritage Valley Center Township
- Heritage Valley Chippewa
- Heritage Valley Ellwood City
Breast Cancer Screening Guide
We want to help you take charge of your health and take care of yourself. Be sure to follow a program for good breast health.
From age 20 on:
- Have clinical breast exams (CBE) at least every 3 years by your physician.
- Practice a breast self exam (BSE) every month. If you find anything unusual, notify your doctor right away.’
When you are 40:
- Have a baseline mammogram and follow-up with a yearly mammogram.
- Have a CBE every year by your physician
- Practice BSE every month. If you find anything unusual, notify your doctor right away.
Visit www.ACR.org for more information on mammography.
Osteoporosis Services
Osteoporosis is a disease that silently thins your bones, year after year. In its early stages, this disease does not make you look or feel different. As a result, it is often allowed to progress to a dangerous point before it is diagnosed. Because you cannot feel bone loss, it is important to have an accurate measurement of your bone density.
Osteoporosis Heel Screening
The Women’s Health Center offers a free heel screening exam using ultrasound to estimate the bone density of your heel. The heel is measured because its bone density is similar to that found in the hip, where fractures occur most often. No appointment is needed for this free screening, which is offered at the Women’s Health Centers in Center and Robinson Townships and all Heritage Valley Medical Neighborhoods.
Bone Material Density Scan (DEXA)
A DEXA scan is the most accurate way to measure the thickness of your bones (bone mineral density). This simple, quick and painless test can detect osteoporosis before a fracture occurs and predict your risk of fracture in the future.
Breast Imaging Services
A screening mammogram is performed to evaluate an asymptomatic healthy woman for signs of breast cancer. A diagnostic mammogram is done to evaluate a woman who has symptoms including, but not limited to, lumps, breast pain, nipple discharge and skin changes, among other concerns. Combining a yearly mammogram, monthly breast self-examination and a yearly clinical breast exam provides women ages 40 and over with the best means of early detection of breast abnormalities. When problems are found early, women have the most hope of controlling or curing a problem. A mammogram may save your life. Patients may schedule an appointment for a screening mammogram by calling 866-901-MAMO (6266).
Self-Requesting Screening Mammography
Heritage Valley Women’s Health Center offers a variety of diagnostic services for adult female patients, including self-requesting screening mammography. “Self-requesting screening mammography” means that a patient who feels that she might benefit from this particular imaging procedure may schedule herself for an examination without a written order from her physician. All of our mammography locations offer Self-Requesting Mammograms.
Breast Ultrasound
Breast ultrasound is a procedure that may be used to further evaluate a breast abnormality detected by mammograms, or to further investigate a patient’s symptom, such as a palpable lump. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to evaluate the patient with no radiation. Breast ultrasound can be focused/limited to evaluate a certain area or can be used as a tool to complement mammography to screen the entire breast for abnormalities. Ultrasound is complementary to mammograms, and does not replace the need for screening or diagnostic mammograms. Mammography continues to be the most effective method for detecting early breast cancer.
Non-Surgical Breast Biopsy
Abnormalities in the breast that are considered to be suspicious are biopsied by our breast Radiologists to provide Surgeons and additional clinicians a tissue diagnosis to assist in planning the best way to take care of the patient. These procedures are done under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Ultrasound-guided biopsies are for findings that are visible on ultrasound, while findings only visible on mammograms are approached using stereotactic guidance, which uses mammogram images to locate and guide a biopsy device to the tissue of interest.
Breast MRI Services
For some patients, a breast MRI may be done to further evaluate a breast problem, such as a known breast cancer. MRI can also be helpful in certain clinical situations, such as screening patients who may be at an elevated risk for breast cancer, evaluating equivocal findings from mammograms or ultrasound, assessing responses to chemotherapy, as well as checking the integrity of breast implants. To detect breast cancers, MRI requires contrast material to be injected into a vein. Abnormal findings on MRI may require additional imaging with ultrasound. It is also possible to perform biopsies under MRI guidance, when a finding is only visible on MRI.
Radioactive Seed Localization
For patients who must undergo surgery to remove a tumor or other potentially abnormal breast tissue, a radioactive seed may be used to guide a Surgeon to the area of interest. This involves the patient having a small metal seed (about the size of a grain of rice) placed through a needle into the target of interest. The breast Radiologist uses ultrasound or mammogram guidance to implant the seed, which can be done up to five days before the scheduled surgery. When the surgery is done, the breast Surgeon uses a probe to detect radioactivity that will localize in the area of interest.
Galactography, also known as ductography, is a mammographic examination of the lactiferous ducts in the breast. This study is performed to evaluate the cause of certain types of nipple discharge. A galactogram involves the injection of a small amount of contrast material or dye into the duct producing the discharge. Mammography images are then taken demonstrating the enhanced ductal system.
Center of Excellence
Heritage Valley Women’s Health Centers are designated as Breast Imaging Centers of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR).
You can schedule your screening mammogram online using Heritage Valley’s My Care Link. Simply download the Heritage Valley Health System app (iHVHS/aHVHS); create a My Care Link account; click on the Mammography Exam icon and follow the prompts to schedule an appointment at one of our screening locations. To schedule online, please click here to access or create your My Care Link account.
To schedule Breast Imaging services, including diagnostic mammograms, please call 1-866-901-MAMO (6266).
To schedule Diagnostic Imaging exams, please call 1-866-901-IMAG (4624).
For more information, please call the Women’s Health Center at 724-773-4720.
Please bring any relevant mammography films that may have been taken at a facility not affiliated with Heritage Valley Health System to your appointment.